Monday, May 31, 2021

Essay on adult education

Essay on adult education

essay on adult education

Adult education has its history, with adult education claiming of its relevance and significance in a particular society (Field, n.p). Initially, it was argued that the key role of adult education was to support democracy and social change, and help the learners attain self-actualization, prepare them for work, and develop human and social blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins  · Essay on Importance of Adult Education is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Adult education is excellent learning for those who could not do it. People in a country like India often fail to get the opportunity for necessary education facilities. For such people, adult education is a prudent alternative. The importance of adult education lies in two main things. They are employment Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins  · Adult education has two branches. One can be called the purpose of education and the other can be named the practice of education. Many times it happens that in a practical set up the difference between the purpose and practice of adult education results in some sort of tensions in

Long and Short Essay on Importance of Adult Education in English for Children and Students

Adult education gives the adult citizens a chance to enroll for educational programs to improve their knowledge and skills. This is a great initiative to empower the adults and help them widen the scope of their career, essay on adult education. Adult essay on adult education plays an important role in development of the nation.

Those who could not get a chance to study during their childhood can benefit through this and so can those who had to leave their studies mid-way or crave to acquire further degree. Adult Education provides an option to gain knowledge and skills, outside a fixed classroom. It has a flexible curriculum and involves subjective knowledge, practical training, skill development etc.

Below we have provided Long and Short Essay on Adult Education in simple and easy to understand English language. If the youths are the future of our nation then the adults are its present, essay on adult education. A country can develop and prosper only when its adults are educated. An educated person can nurture his coming generation more wisely, confidently and appropriately. Adult education is thus of utmost importance. However, unfortunately many adults in our country were deprived of education when they were children and the trend still continues.

A number of reasons led the children to being deprived of education among which the main reason is poverty. Poor people engage their kids in menial jobs so that they can help in bearing the household expenses. Thus, such kids do not get a chance to go to school and get education. On the other hand, there are some who are deprived of higher education owing to financial constraints or other reasons.

The government of India has taken a great initiative of providing adult education. Night schools and distance learning programs have started for this purpose. With this, people can work during essay on adult education day time to earn their livelihood and study during the night to improve their chances of getting a better job and enhancing their career.

Many adults in our country have enrolled for adult education and are essay on adult education the most of it. One of the biggest problems that India is facing today is that of illiteracy. Majority of the population in our country is illiterate and this has become a cause of various other problems, essay on adult education.

Here is why there is a dire need of adult education in our country. The rich people in India are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

One of the main reasons of this economic disparity is illiteracy. People who are not educated are forced to indulge in menial tasks. They are not paid well and continue to lead a miserable life. They struggle to make their ends meet. Adult education has proved to be a boon for such people, essay on adult education. Seeking education makes them more knowledgeable. They get to know about their rights and the rightful wages they should be paid which helps them stop the ongoing exploitation against them.

Those who are uneducated indulge in tasks such as cleaning and washing. They continue to earn meagre wages and have a poor lifestyle which gives way to numerous problems such as poor hygiene, lack of amenities, etc. Seeking adult education helps them find better jobs and do well in life. An educated person is certainly more confident. An educated adult can nurture his children much better.

He is knowledgeable and wiser and can thus guide his children at every step. Adult education initiative taken by the government has worked for the betterment of our country. It was much needed and has benefited many. Many countries around the world run adult education plans, essay on adult education. Adult education is of utmost importance.

It offers numerous advantages to the adults who were deprived of the right to education during their childhood as well as the nation as a whole. Many countries have started the initiative to educate the adults of their country and are working hard to encourage them in this direction.

In a country like India where illiteracy is considered to be one of the main problems, adult education is helping in increasing the literacy rate of the country. Many adults are enrolling for adult education in order to attain a degree and do better in life.

It goes without saying that education is the stepping stone for development of any nation. When the people of a nation are educated, it stands a greater chance of development. Adult education is increasing the number of educated, learned and skilled professional which is impacting the development of our nation in a positive way. The crime rate in our country is high majorly due to high rate of illiteracy.

It is the illiterate and unemployed people who mainly engage in various criminal activities such as pick-pocketing, robbery and rape. Adult education gives them a chance to get educated and acquire skills which in turn opens the door of employment for them. Educated adults can certainly nurture their children better and thus shape better youth. A person who is uneducated can never understand the value of education. Most of the times, such people do not even encourage their children to seek education.

They engage them in work from an early age and ruin their life. Adult education gives a chance to learn and expand knowledge which in turn provides better job opportunities. Better job opportunity means better purchasing capacity and a better lifestyle. Women in the earlier times were confined to the kitchen and other household tasks. Little girls in many areas and communities of India are still confined to the households. They grew essay on adult education to be vulnerable adults who are dependent on the male members of the family.

Adult education programs are an opportunity for them to take charge of their lives and become self-dependent.

Thus, adult education offers various advantages such as women empowerment, better lifestyle, reduction in the crime rate, increase in literacy rate and overall development of the country.

The importance of education is known by all. An educated person possesses knowledge essay on adult education various subjects and is worldly wise. He is more confident and better equipped to take decisions on various matters.

He is an asset to the society. Adult education must be encouraged as many people are deprived of essay on adult education right to education during their childhood owing to various reasons. Adult education programs allow them to seek education during adulthood.

In democratic nations such as India, the adults are given the right to vote irrespective of their educational qualification and on their own discretion to choose between right and wrong. An illiterate person can never understand the nitty-gritty of the political system.

He has no knowledge about his rights and the duties of the leaders chosen by him. One of the main purposes of the adult education is to increase the literacy rate of the country so that its citizens are equipped to take better decision when it comes to choosing the government. Adult education must be given special importance in a democratic set up so that people can exercise their right to vote wisely. Adult education also plays an important role in the development of the nation.

A nation with greater number of educated people certainly stands a better chance to develop and prosper. Well-educated people enter various professional fields and work hard to acquire the skills required to handle their positions efficiently. They develop the zeal to learn and grow. As they grow professionally so does their organization and eventually the nation as a whole.

It goes without saying that if we have greater number of educated and skilled professionals in our country then it will grow and develop at a greater speed, essay on adult education. While the government of our country has already understood its importance, essay on adult education, essay on adult education large number of people in our country are yet to recognize it.

A number of schools have been set up essay on adult education the government to provide adult education. However, the role of the government does not end here. It needs to sensitize the importance of education among the masses. People must recognize the need to get educated in order to feel determined to enroll at adult education schools. The government of many countries run adult education programs to educate and empower the adults.

Special night schools are set up to provide adult education as it is easier for them to take out time during those hours since most of them earn their livelihood during the day. There are many night schools providing adult education in different parts of India too. However, even though the opportunity to learn and grow is readily available in almost all the cities in our country not as many enrolments are seen in the adult education schools.

This is because the adults face quite a few challenges when it comes to going to school and learning. Children are quick learners. They are keen, curious and possess good observational as well as grasping power.

They love to explore new things, ask questions and learn constantly. Learning for them is fun, essay on adult education. However, it is not the same with the adults. This becomes one of the biggest hindrances in learning. Another problem is time constraint. Adults are mostly working and are unable to take out much time to study. This is the reason why many of them refrain from enrolling at adult essay on adult education. This slows the learning process and hampers their performance.

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Sample Essay on Adult Education - Essay Writing Help

essay on adult education

Adult Education Essay. Words2 Pages. Community Based Adult Education. A. Global Assessment of Community Based Adult Education. This includes most important contributions they can make to society in the face of what are considered the most significant challenges of the 's Concentration in Adult Education. In either the thesis or directed study option, students may complete a concentration in Adult Education. As part of the required core courses, students must take ESTU (3 credits) and three 3-credit courses chosen from adult education topic  · Adult education has two branches. One can be called the purpose of education and the other can be named the practice of education. Many times it happens that in a practical set up the difference between the purpose and practice of adult education results in some sort of tensions in

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